ZACROS supports people’s lives by providing containers and packaging for various settings, including homes and restaurants. We aim to promote a circular economy by offering products that prioritize convenience, safety and reduced environmental impact.
Flexible refill pouch
Functional Stand-up pouch for liquids. It uses less resinand is easier to use.
Liquid Container
This is a liquid container manufactured by ZACROS and an alternative to rigid plastic containers, metal containers, and pails.
High Performance / High clean packaging
We handle packaging produced in a Class 1000 clean environment. We also offer packaging with non-adsorption and low-elution functions.
Tube refill pouch:Flowpack®NT
Plug molding pouch:Flowpack®PL
Spouted pouch:Flowpack®SP
Sustainable Food Packaging
Pouch Aerosol Spray System:PASS
Aromafin Valve
Retort pouch
Molded Liquid Container:Cubitainer®
Film Liquid Container:Z-tainer
Drum Liner:FUJILINER 200 /Large Transport Container Liner: 1t-liner
High clean packaging materials/ High clean packaging materials with spout
Non-interactive packaging materials