Message from Management
Since our founding in 1914, we have satisfied the needs of a variety of markets with our “Tsutsumi and Mamoru” technologies (technologies to wrap and protect), including household goods, food, medical and pharmaceutical and electronics markets.
In order to adapt to the rapid changes in society in recent years, we position sustainability as a core priority of our management efforts, in light of the fact that we need to keep creating greater value as a company. The source of our sustainable growth is our founding spirit: “Originality is born by challenging the difficult and unknown.” We must address the potential problems of society, the market, and our customers ahead of anyone else, and create unique solutions by continuously integrating and reimagining our technology and services . By embodying this spirit, we can remain a company that consistently generates new value. And we believe that this approach will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Aiming to be a company that is friendly to people and the Earth, we will work with our stakeholders to create a future that we can be proud of throughout the following generations.

Sustainability Policy
The ZACROS Group conducts its business activities based on the ZACROS Group Concept which consists of the ZACROS Vision, which defines the ideal status that we should achieve, and the ZACROS Action, which is the course of action to take in order to realize of the vision. The Sustainability Policy is established as a guideline to ensure that our business activities are sustainable and to fulfill our responsibilities to the natural environment and society.
Sustainability Promotion System
With sustainability as a core management issue of entire group, we have established the Sustainability Committee chaired by the President and CEO to promote our efforts to address material issues.
The Committee regularly reports the progress of activities to the Board of Directors and receives instructions and advice on the activities.

Material Issues
With the aim of creating a prosperous society and enhancing corporate value in a sustainable manner through our business activities, we have established material social issues that must be addressed preferentially. We believe that by contributing to the benefit and happiness of society as a whole, we can provide greater value to our various stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, customers, and business partners.

Process to Select Material Issues