Sustainability Policy
The ZACROS Group will be the first to take on the challenges of potential problems in society, markets, and customers, and we will create unique solutions that will lead to the achievement of a sustainable society. As a solution-creating company that constantly creates new value, the Group will continue to work together with our stakeholders to create a more prosperous future that we can be proud of for generations to come.
Human Rights Policy
The ZACROS Group will place the highest priority on respect for human rights in all its business activities. Recognizing that fundamental and universal human rights exist, the Group will respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including employees, trading partners, customers and local communities, and promote healthy and sustainable business activities.
Personnel Policy
The ZACROS Group believes that the growth of the Company comes from bringing together diverse human resources who inspire each other and grow together. Based on this belief, the Group will foster a culture and environment in which employees and the Company can utilize each other’s strengths and grow together. The Group will work to develop human resources and create an environment that supports the growth and challenges of its employees, and practice human capital management through the following initiatives to sustainably increase corporate value and continue to create a future that it can be proud of throughout subsequent generations.
Procurement Policy
The ZACROS Group is committed to fairness, impartiality, transparency, and simplicity in all purchasing transactions, and in order to gain the trust of all stakeholders, including customers, it will treat its suppliers as business partners, comply with laws and regulations, fulfill contracts, and carry out business operations rationally.
Information Security Policy
The ZACROS Group is committed to fairness, impartiality, transparency, and simplicity in all purchasing transactions, and in order to gain the trust of all stakeholders, including customers, it will treat its suppliers as business partners, comply with laws and regulations, fulfill contracts, and carry out business operations rationally.
Quality Policy
The ZACROS Group will carry out continuous improvement activities and stay ahead of the market trends by working on new and unique technologies to continue gaining customer satisfaction.
Environment Policy
The ZACROS Group recognize that the preservaiton of the global environment is the most important issue common to all humankind, and will assess the impact of their business activities on the environment and promote activities aimed at reducing environmental impact. We will also strive to develop and propose environmentally friendly products and services and contribute to environmental improvement through activities.
Safety Policy
The ZACROS Group strongly recognize “Safety First” as the basis of our corporate activities. As we set a clear structure for setting and reviewing safety and health goals, we will strive to increase corporate value and contribute to our society through continuous improvement.
Corporate Code of Conduct
The ZACROS Group will play a leading role in the realization of a sustainable society through the creation of socially beneficial added value and employment and autonomous and responsible actions under fair and free competition. To this end, the Group will fulfill its social responsibilities with high ethical standards while complying with relevant laws, regulations, and international rules, as well as their spirit, based on the following 11 principles, both within and outside of Japan.