
ZACROS provides products for a wide range of applications, including packaging materials for the general, pharmaceutical, and medical fields, which are indispensable in our daily lives, and components used in the field of functional materials for ICT. We are always striving to improve quality from the customer’s perspective. 

Acquisition Status of Various ISO Certifications 

Review Standard: JIS Q 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015) 

Registration OrganizationUnion of Japanese Scientists and Engineers
Registration No.JUSE-RA-010
Acquired SitesZACROS Group
ZACROS Corporation (Excluding MIe Plant, Yokohama Plant, Nabari Plant, Finance & Accounting Department, Internal Audit Office, and IVD Department)

Review Standard: JIS Q 14001:2015 (ISO 14001:2015) 

Registered OrganizationUnion of Japanese Scientists and Engineers
Registration No.JUSE-EG-150
Acquired SitesZACROS Group
・ZACROS Corporation

 Review Standard: ISO 15378:2017

Registration OrganizationSGS Japan
Registration No.JP14/062675 and JP19/063094, JP24/00000172
Acquired Sites ZACROS Corporation (Yokohama Plant, Mie Plant, Nabari Plant)

Review Standard: ISO 13485:2016 

Registration OrganizationBSI
Registration No.MD 741700
Acquired SiteZACROS Corporation (Mie Plant)